I am continually amazed at how God works and the incredible Husband He is to me. I have clung to Isaiah 54:5 quite often. God is Who He says He is. "For your Maker is your husband--the Lord almighty is his name..."
Three months ago, I sold my Jeep to Derek and bought a Ford Escape. I was thrilled with my new (well...new to me) car. I loved the way it handled and enjoyed everything about it. But within a few weeks after buying it, something inside me began to stir. I was getting the feeling that I wasn't supposed to have this Escape. I kept trying to ignore was was gnawing at me, but couldn't shake it. Then there were little things about the car that began to bug me. I was feeling very unsettled.
This past Tuesday, I took it to a Ford dealership to have something minor looked at and they said the entire steering column had been replaced. It wasn't in an accident and there was no recall, so it had to have been vandalism or something else. The carfax report was clean. So I left the dealership and went to the one where I bought it. They agreed, with my insistence, to give me another car at the same value, but I couldn't find anything on their lot to suit me. When I drove off, it was clear I was not going to get my car from them. The salesman was making me very uncomfortable with his weird remarks. So I left and prayed the rest of the week.
Yesterday, I knew I was to go back to the Ford dealership and get another car, so I did. I pulled in and looked around as an older salesman approached me. We talked and I immediately connected with this brother in Christ. I immediately found another Escape that I loved. We drove it and I knew this was the car I was to have. As we sat at the table negotiating price, I told him I could not buy it until I prayed about it one more time. Without hesitation, he offered to pray with me. We sat in the middle of a busy dealership and prayed about my decision. I was so touched. I bought the car and we talked all afternoon as we waited for paperwork to be done. I handed him one of my books and he gave me a hug as I left. I don't know why my path crossed with this wonderful man, but I know my Saturday and my new car purchase was ordained by God.
As I was driving home, I was so filled up that I was about to explode. I was breathing Jesus. It felt like God was sitting next to me in my new Escape. He guides me, protects me, gives me wisdom and brings wonderful people in my life. He is also a God who lives in my reality and speaks to me in very practical ways. I am so grateful and so humbled.