Zach and I just got back on Friday from our mission trip to Frakes, KY. It's on the border of TN in the Appalachia mountains. It was an awesome trip serving the poor in that area. I was blessed beyond measure in all that God taught me, the relationships that were formed and the joy of helping create a better home for several needy families.
The day before I left, God opened my eyes to the heart of neglected children in a way that was seared deep within. A few weeks ago, I realized all the letters I was sending Derek while he was in Basic training were not getting to him because I had the address wrong. I was so haunted by the fact that my firstborn spent the first four weeks not getting a single letter from me and thought I didn't care enough to bother writing. The pain was very difficult for me to pray through, so I knew there was a lesson in that. I asked God to reveal it to me.
Last Saturday, I was watching a video on friend's blog about how orphans are often brokenhearted because they may never get a birthday card from family and then later that night I began reading a book about a guy who spent his adolescent years in abusive foster homes. He said, "My only real sadness was that no one in my family every tried to make contact with me." I began to cry. I felt their pain. I could only think of the deep hurt that must have gone through my son's heart and he only had to go four weeks without hearing from me...what if he had to carry that same pain for a lifetime. It was almost more than I could bear.
As I sat in Frakes, KY on Sunday night listening to the pastor speak from Isaiah 6, I could feel my heart begin to ache again. He quoted Isaiah when he responded to God by saying, "Here I am. Send me!" (v8) Each time I leave Danville to serve, I am gripped by the fact that my mission is the same whether I'm here in Indiana, Kentucky, Mexico, or Africa.
I am called to serve and to love with all my heart. This life is not about me! "Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness." Psalm 115:1
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