Sunday, December 13, 2009

Chasing God

I finished a book this past week called Chasing Daylight. There were many parts in it that were very compelling and made me begin to focus on how I can use every moment God gives me to His benefit...not mine. I am very intent on not getting too caught up in my job or the routine of my life that my light becomes dull through a mediocre existence. I want no part of that.

God taught me this week, as I reflected on some recent ungodly behavior by godly people, that the obedience He requires of me is not dictated on the reaction of others. I had to pray through the fact that if I do what I know God wants me to do, but the reaction of some is less than I expected, it's okay. I'm not a people pleaser...I'm a God pleaser. When I find myself desiring something from someone that I do not get, I ask myself if I'm centered on God or others. This keeps my perspective and quickly shifts my priorities. It's very healthy for my spiritual life...not necessarily easy, but essential.

So in the book, the author asks the question--"What would our lives be like if God were the source of all our inspiration?" I've fixed myself on that question as it relates to the smallest details of my life. God lives in the mundane...He lives and moves in the ordinary. And as the author when on to say..."When we choose to seize divine moments, we create an environment where others are unleashed to fulfill their God-given potential." I want to be a part of God's plan to help others see Him and become all they can be through glory strength sent directly from the Throne.

God showed me this week, just when I was thinking I was less than I should be, that He had me right where He wanted me. As long as I walked in obedience, the reaction of others (intentional or not) has no bearing on how I should live my life. It continues to be freeing to live wholly and completely sold out to Him.

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