I love to laugh with my boys and just goof off. But I'm particularly blessed when I get to serve with my them. Saturday, Derek and I ran an 8K to raise money for orphans. We drove down together, talked, made jokes, stopped at Starbucks and had a ball before the race began. You could either walk or run. I decided I'd run with Derek.
Well, within the first 50 yards, he smoked me. I had no hope of keeping up with him, so I set my own pace. I began to pray for orphans all over the world and scriptures began to run through my mind. I asked God to "make my feet like the feet of a deer" and to help me "run and not grow weary." I knew "those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength." At the half way point, I was determined to run the whole thing, but my thighs began to get really tight and shin splints started to set in. So I prayed harder. At the 3 mile mark, my pain was completely gone. God is such a physical God. He took away my pain and gave me feet like deer.
I was feeling it and loving my time with Jesus. In between praying God's Word back to Him, I sang one of my favorite old spirituals - "I don't feel noways tired." The chorus goes like this...
I don't feel no ways tired,
I've come too far from where I started from.
Nobody told me that the road would be easy,
I don't believe He brought me this far to leave me.
When I crossed the finish line, I felt like I was floating. Derek was waiting for me and said how impressed he was with me running the whole race. Honestly, I was a bit proud of myself, but I knew where my strength came from. Oh, I love my Jesus!!
God blessings poured forth...
1. A beautiful, cool morning to run
2. A wonderful, connective time with my firstborn
3. Strength to finish that was not my own
4. A blessed and glorious 50 minutes with Jesus...
I was running for Him!