This time last week, I was hanging out in my mother's hometown in Germany enjoying a wonderful day. I spent a week there with my parents visiting my grandma. She will be 98 in August. It was such a blessed time. Germany is such a beautiful country and my grandmother lives right on the Mosel's breathtaking.
I laughed so much and had such a great time that it was hard to come home. I always miss my boys greatly, but was so torn when I left. I knew it highly likely that would be the last time to see my grandmother, but after a week I begin to miss the boys terribly. So I hugged and kissed and hugged and kissed and then said goodbye.
As I was flying over I began to journal a bit. I was talking to God and asked Him to reveal Himself to me on this trip. I wanted to feel His presence in a very real way. I did. He always has something to teach me and I am delighted to be His student.
I had the pleasure of reading three books during my 20 hours in the air, time in the airport and a few quiet moments to myself in Germany. Each of these books spoke to me in very real and meaningful ways.
The first was called And The Word Came With Power about a lady who translated the Bible to a tribe in the jungles in the Philippines. I was reminded that in 1982 when she was obeying God and bringing His powerful Word to the those who were lost, I was completely centered on myself as I graduated from high school and hoped to take on the world. I was a Christian, but was seeking my will, not His. God said to me as I finished the book, "Eternal things are all that matter."
The second was a bio on Dietrich Bonhoeffer a German martyr who tried to overthrow the power of Hitler by assassination and a coup. He lived completely focused on God's will for his life. I was able to talk to my grandmother about him and she said she remembers him and that she didn't think enough people stood up with him. It was so cool to be talking to my grandmother about a hero of mine who died 20 years before I was born. As I spent time in an area that is not known for its faith, I was reminded of how important it is for me to stand firm and stand strong for my Jesus regardless of what is going on around me.
The third was a bio on Amy Carmichael. She was an incredible missionary who spent 56 years in India saving young girls from the horrible caste system that placed no value on them and sold them into horrible conditions. She impacted the lives of thousands and had and incredible faith that only comes with a complete devotion to the King. Her life was purposeful and impactful, but often very, very hard. I heard God whispering to me as I meditated on her life..."Stay focus on my purpose..."
I'm grateful for my time in Germany, but I'm grateful most of all that God stays close to me and teaches me in every situation. My prayer this week to come is that I live out what I learned.
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