Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Shifting with God

Sometimes life seems to work out the way I'd like and sometimes it doesn't. But what God has taught me in full and living color is that it isn't about what I want or what I like. I have to always trust that He knows best and His plan far exceeds anything that I could dream up. But I make the mistake of limiting Him to my way of thinking. Bad Germaine!

Several weeks ago, I was praying about a major life decision. I was convinced things were going one way, things looked great and then God suddenly shifted everything. The week prior, I was praying about this issue and prayed not that it would happen, but that God would keep me sensitive to what He wanted for me and each day I would take one more small step of obedience in that direction. But when things didn't turn out the way I was expecting, I found myself disappointed rather that praising God for answering my prayer and moving me where He wanted me. So I prayed through the process and asked God to help turn my heart to completely toward Him that my first thought is to praise Him. Period.

And then other things began to happen...a few disappointments...a few changes...He really was moving me. I kept praying for His will. The challenge for me is to remove my will completely from the conversation. That is hard to do, but it's called surrender. It good to walk with Him. In the midst of these trying times for me, I still feel His presence very deeply. It's that supernatural strength and encouragement that I cling to. It a very, very good feeling.

I look forward to what He has in mind for me today, tomorrow and down the road.

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