Forty-five years ago today, God blessed me with the gift of life. I look back and, where did all those years go? I don't know how many more years I get to enjoy before God calls me home, but I do know I'm delighted to be right here, right now.
I was on "poop patrol" earlier today. We have two labs, so it seems I spend quite a bit a time in the back yard cleaning up. Today as I strolled around looking for landmines, I found myself just grinning from ear to ear...for no particular reason. I was just happy to be alive and was delighting in the day.
Each day seems to be a opportunity to experience Jesus in a new way. Yesterday morning a very unexpected large check showed up in the mail, so God led me to give almost half of it away and put the rest in the bank. Last night, Zach was all wound up and was in my bedroom until after midnight sharing all kinds of things with me. I love those moments we spend together. And today, I had such a deep level of peace and joy that I can't explain.
I know Jesus is the reason for how I feel when there is no earthly reason I should feel the way I do. My circumstances haven't changed all that much, but my body and soul are one with absolute contentment. That's when I know that He came all the way down out of heaven just for me.
Late this afternoon, I received an e-mail from a friend that just thrilled me. I was thinking that God is not only great, but He is very, very good. I pray that I remain fixed on Him now and forever.
Oh, today was many it would appear that nothing much exciting happened, but it was my very special gift straight from heaven and I don't intend to take that gift for granted. It is my favorite day of the week. And when tomorrow becomes today, it, too, will be my favorite day of the week.