We were welcomed Saturday upon our arrival by having the pleasure of dining and playing in the pool with the kids from one of the homes. It was a blast. We were challenged to step outside our comfort zones, get involved and just love on the kids. That was easy!
The pool on the Back2Back campus was so packed with kids that you could hardly turn around without bumping into 2 or 3 of them. I played with many, but spent extra time with a few in particular. On the surface they seem like perfectly normal kids just wanting to have fun and goof off, but each of these kids has a story. They were all abandoned by their parents and now call an orphanage home. They have attached to the other kids as sisters and brothers. It was an honor to splash around with them, hug them and just pour myself into them for one afternoon.
At one point, I got out of the pool and just sat in a chair to take in the beautiful scene in front of me—laughter, smiles, fun, splashing…I see all that the Back2Back ministry is doing on behalf of these kids and I know that with the hope of Jesus, warm food in their belly and love from many that they have a much better chance for a full life.
The next day we were all challenged to make a difference by figuring out what the “burr in our saddle” was. We all have a passion for something in life…something that just won’t let go, but we ignore it long enough until it calluses over and we become numb to it. Then that burr no longer causes us to move in ways outside ourselves. It no longer forces us to follow that longing. We get comfortable; we become content; we settle.
I’ve had a burr in my saddle for quite a while. I want it to keep making me uncomfortable, so I must depend on Jesus every day to move me in unexpected ways. I want my life to be motivated by the burr; motivated by the passion that God has given me. I want to make a difference in the lives of others…to give hope to those without any! May I pray that prayer every day.
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