Our final day before leaving for the states was a fitting conclusion to a great experience. We arrived late in the morning to one of the children’s homes and loaded up 30+ kids on a bus with us to go to the park. We are each assigned two kids—I had the delight of hanging out with Kevin and Jonathon.
When we got to the park, we rented bikes for all the kids. The look on their faces as they were each handed a bike was so priceless. They were ecstatic and eager to get on with the fun. But we they had to all line up and wait until everyone had their bikes. We all positioned ourselves in a sea of bikes waiting to take off. The signal was given and my boys were gone.
It took me several laps around the park to connect with them. I would ride with one for a bit and then catch up with the other and ride with him. It was great fun as we rode through sprinklers, over bridges and up little embankments to shortcut a trip back to the shelter where we gathered. I quickly realized there is no language barrier when you’re riding bikes. The boys spoke no English and I spoke only a smattering of Spanish, but we had a ball and were able to “talk” to each other the entire time.
After a few hours, we turned our bikes in and had lunch together. What a treat! The tacos were delicious and the kids were delighted to be able to finish and go back for seconds. We handed out many tacos, fruit drinks and snacks. I walked around after eating and just hung out with many of the kids taking pictures and playing. Many, including my Kevin, loved sitting by the lake watching the ducks. The joy on their faces and contentment in their eyes made me want to keep that day going forever.
But eventually, we had to bid farewell. They got on one bus and we got on the other. Several were crying and many just waved and waved until we got out of sight. It was very sad.
On the bus ride home, I was just reflecting on the whole week and wishing I didn’t have to hop on a plane the next morning. I wanted to stay. There were times I felt as if I were on holy ground with those kids. I was sure God had blessed them in ways I have never felt or could put into words. He was doing a good work in them. My heart was full.
I totally immersed myself in my experience down there. I did not make phone calls or check e-mails. I had no idea what was going on around the world and didn’t really care. As our bus approached the Back2Back campus, someone from the front of the bus yelled, “Oh, my gosh. My friend just texted me. Michael Jackson died.” The only thought that went through my head as the buzz on the buss began was how totally irrelevant that was to me.
May God continue to bless those children who I had the honor of meeting. He promises many things for orphans…
Exodus 22:22-23
Deut 10:18
Deut 14:29
Psalm 10:14,18
Psalm 68:5
Psalm 82:3-4
Psalm 140:12
Isaiah 37:17
Isaiah 49:15
Isaiah 63:9
Jeremiah 49:11
Hosea 14:3
John 14:18
John 10:3
Romans 9:15
I know He never goes back on His Word and that gives me great comfort.
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