Sunday, September 20, 2009

God's Soldier

Derek is back home! He spent all summer at Ft. Benning, GA in Basic training. On Friday, he graduated as an Infantryman. I am so very proud of him. I'm proud that he felt called by God to serve his country when there is almost no military background on my side or Jim's side of the family. I'm proud because he never quit, never wanted to give up and never stopped doing his best while he was down there. He is truly my hero!

But most of all I'm proud because he loves Jesus! While he was at Basic, he found time to read over 12 books of the Bible. When no one was around to push him to stay in God's Word, he still did. When his days were long and tiring, he still found time to read. When he was homesick, he still read. When he was pumped and building relationships, he read some more. He posted the scripture cards I sent to him on the inside of his locker and stayed focused on his faith. He gets it.

As I released my son for the summer and turned him over to God, God showed up. He proved over and over that He can take better care of my son than I can and He can sustain and encourage him when I'm not around. My heart is full. I'm so thankful for God's faithfulness and that Derek's foundation is solid. I delight in God's Word and want the same for my boys. It seems my prayer has been answered.

Both my boys are home and we are enjoying the same fun things we always did...picking on each other, goofing off and just hanging out. I am thrilled to be reunited as a family again and know that God will continue to be the center of our lives. He is our Father and Husband and guides all that we do. I remain confident in His plan for us individually and as a family unit.

May God bless our family; and God bless America!

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