I recently finished the book Shadow of the Almighty. It was a biography about Jim Elliot written by his wife Elizabeth. The bulk of the book was a reflection of Jim through his letters and journals. It was truly one of the most profound books I’ve ever read. And I read a lot. I am wholly convinced of God’s ordination in even the most ordinary parts of my life. So when He brings a book to me that affects me so deeply, I know there must be a lesson there for me.
Jim was the ultimate Jesus freak! I aspire to have his kind of faith. His life was a testament of living completely and passionately sold out to Christ, so that nothing distracted him from his purpose or competed with his energies to fulfill what God had in mind for him. Jim felt very called to go to Ecuador and bring the gospel message to the Auca Indians…they were a very savage and primitive tribe. Jim died a martyr’s death on the river bank at the hands of the very people that he cared for so deeply.
Oftentimes, as I read Jim’s reflections on how God was moving in his life and the struggles that he faced, I would find myself actually groaning out loud in delight due to the depth of his words. He lived a life of complete obedience and said, “Obedience is the test of whether we really live “in God” or not.” He wanted to keep his heart fixed on Jesus and said that we must, “Walk as if the next step would carry you across the threshold of heaven.”
He realized more fully than anything else that he was nothing without Christ and his life was not his to live. One night as he stood under the beautiful sky, he looked up and said, “Oh, the fullness, pleasure, sheer excitement of knowing God on earth. I care not if I ever raise my voice again for Him, if only I may love Him, please Him.” And one morning at a later date he wrote, “So father with happy committal I give you my life again this morning—not for anything special, simply to let you know that I regard it as yours.”
Jim’s life inspired me in a way that will be with me forever. I long to live with the faith that allows unbridled devotion to my Savior and with an energy that can’t be depleted by earthly woes. I hope to find my delight completely and fully in Christ. As Jim said, “It does not say (in the Bible) He will give you what you want. It does say He will give you "the want." Delight in Christ brings desire for Christ.”
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