Thursday, July 8, 2010

I'm Madly In Love

I love God's Word. I go to it when I'm excited. I dig in deep when I'm searching. I breathe it in when I need encouragement. I find myself in it many times throughout the day. I'm so thankful He gave us that precious gift.

I was thinking of the Scriptures I've been meditating on over the last few weeks. Each of them landed in my heart with God's perfect timing for what He wanted to show me. I love the way He weaves His message with all that is going on in my life and shows me those perfect Truths that stand on solid ground.

For a solid week I meditated on Psalm 16. I was reminded that "apart from you I have no good thing." Nothing has any meaning in my life if it is not centered on God. Every single verse held profound meaning for me as I soaked in the joy of knowing that He has me right where He wants me because He "assigned" it to me.

Later, He brought me to Jeremiah 17:7-8. I just love the word picture of seeing that regardless of my situation, I will always bear fruit for Him if my roots are firmly planted in eternal things. I must rest my confidence in Him and Him alone.

Romans 4:17 just stopped me cold one morning. He is "the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were." When life takes a turn differently than I expect, regardless of how big or small it is, I can rest comfortably knowing that in His sovereignty He sees way ahead and orchestrates my life to His beautiful plan before the future has even happened. I hung on those words for days.

And Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 was simply beautiful. He has called me to be His servant right where He has planted me regardless of the circumstances. I may not understand why things are happening or what He has in mind for me, but I know what He has called me to do. The seeds I sow will be in His hands to do what He chooses. I'm just called to "cast my bread upon the waters."

I leave tomorrow to serve in Mexico with my boys and 15 other people. I feel a river of emotion stirring inside me and look forward to immersing myself in His work and His Word.

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